Gender Sensitization

Measures initiated by the institution for the promotion of gender equity.

The institution has always focused on the inculcation of gender equity and created awareness against gender discrimination and gender injustices. The college has organised various competitions like essay, poster, elocution and debating etc. Besides the college organises workshops, self-defence training programmes and personality development workshops for the girl students.

However, during the last year the institutions could run for a very short period on a regular basis due to the pandemic situation. Hence it was impossible to take measures and organise special programmes for the promotion of the gender equity.

Annual Gender sensitization action plan for 2021-22

The college organises various programmes for the gender sensitisation through its “Yuvati Sabha” i.e. Young women’s Forum. The Yuvati Sabha takes all possible efforts for the women’s empowerment and sensitising the student community as well as the general public towards the various issues of related to gender discrimination and unjust treatment given to the women in the family, society, work places and educational institutions.

The college organises essay competition, elocution competition, poster competitions and personality development workshops for women as well the self defence training programmes and workshops like Karate. The college has enlightened the boys and girls regarding the legal and constitutional provisions for the safeguards of women in society by inviting the legal experts and organising their lectures and counselling sessions.

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Yuvati Sabha